Recycling Computer Equipment
Recycling Computer Equipment and Electronic Data and Resources
Some of the computer systems equipment in almost any business is in need of being replaced and with government regulations being extremely strict on rules for disposal it can be a costly business to replace and dispose of old equipment.
Our recycling service comes in two parts - firstly the secure disposal of end-of-life equipment to ensure that none of your data passes into the wrong hands after leaving your premises, and secondly the allocation or resale of old equipment to companies or charities that will actually make good use of the old equipment with our assistance.
Although old servers and desktops may be too costly to maintain for actual service, there are companies that use computers for testing and development that can save by using second-hand equipment instead of paying for brand new systems and we can pass on this recovered revenue back to you. Equipment can be purchased from our refurbished computer online store if you are a company or private user, and for charities please contact us on (0844) 884 16 18 to see what we can do for you.
Software can also be recycled to other companies following recent legislation from the EU. Licensed computer software can be transferred from one company to another to help recover monies or used as payment against outstanding debt.
We can also help you resell domain names and websites.